Social Media

 Social media has changed motherhood for the better. It compares formulas so we know which one we want to buy for the baby. It gives suggestions for how to counsel our kids when they struggle to make friends in school. It serves up a one-dish-wonder recipe to toss in the Instapot when weeknights are busy with activities. It helps us know what’s going on in our communities so we can find activities for the weekend. 

It’s made our mom-life easier. Smarter. Efficient. Productive. Resourceful. 

Social media has changed motherhood for the worse. It fosters discontent when it shows us a picture of a pristine home. It induces guilt when we realize we’ve been using the wrong pacifier. It stirs up envy when we see another mom get the career achievement we wanted. It produces anger when we see injustices or carelessness about causes important to us, and it brings on anxiety about things we never realized existed. It gives us an endless scroll of “perfect” moms when we feel anything but. 

It’s made our mom-life harder. More exhausting. Overwhelming. Anxious. Stressful. Complicated. 

As moms, social media has the opportunity to serve our mission or to sabotage our faithfulness. So what are we to do? We have to take control of social media, before it takes even more control of us. 

We have to wake up.

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Wake Up! A Social Media Workbook

As a part of our Social Media mini-series, we’re digging deep into the impact of social media—on our brains, bodies, and hearts. In light of this, we’ve created “Wake Up! A Social Media Workbook.” This podcast companion helps you take Laura and Emily’s conversations further and apply them to your own life. In the workbook, you’ll find Scripture, questions, and a prayer relating to each episode. We encourage you to follow along week by week, completing the questions for each topic after the corresponding episode’s release.  

Because the discussions surrounding social media are so nuanced and individual, we highly suggest gathering a group of IRL friends to discuss the content in this workbook and swap ideas, observations, and encouragement. 

At Risen Motherhood, we believe the way we each individually engage in social media is a matter of personal conscience. Yet God’s Word has not left us alone as we navigate motherhood in a digital age. Let’s wake up together and see how the tool of social media can serve our mission as moms. 

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We've rounded up a collection of thought-provoking and encouraging books and articles from Risen Motherhood on social media and related topics. While we think they're helpful, the R|M team does not necessarily agree with or endorse every opinion. Our hope is that they spark good conversation with people around you and prompt you to think through social media in your own life.

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