Anger in Motherhood: Allowing the Gospel to Shine Bright

When I find myself losing my temper with my children more often than normal, it can be easy for me to spiral downward, feeling guilt and condemnation and listening to the lies from Satan that I cannot change.

But when I believe this lie, what's really happening is I'm believing that I am beyond the reach of God's grace—I'm believing that the cross wasn't enough.

I can honestly say there has never been a time in my life that I have seen the gospel more clearly than when I became a mom and started to see my anger, impatience, and irritability come to the surface.

The sin, hidden beneath for so many years, rose in full strength to the surface in motherhood.
I cannot change myself (<--- key word there), but God can change me. It is the dim backdrop of my sin that allows the gospel to shine bright.

Because God's grace is only magnified when we rest in God's power, trusting his work on the cross to be sufficient. May we be like Paul who was able to "boast all the more gladly of my weakness so that the power of Christ may rest upon me."[1]

Don't give up on fighting your sin, Mom. Be obedient and fight in the power of the Spirit, knowing these trials are a chance for you to grow deeper in relationship with your Father. Rejoice in your weakness because it is a mercy that shows our desperate need for God's grace through Christ.

[1] 2 Cor. 12:9


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