Seven Opportunities to Speak Life-Giving Words to Your Children

“For it is no empty word for you, but your very life.” (Deuteronomy 32:47a)

As children we chant, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” But as moms, we know better. Words are powerful. Words can build up and words can tear down. Day by day and moment by moment, we have opportunities to speak life-giving words to our littles, to encourage and equip, to impart wisdom and hope. But it can feel awkward getting started and knowing what to say. So, here are a few natural times that you can practice today:

1. When they are imaging Jesus: “You are helping & serving Mommy! Thank you!”

Because discipline and training are important aspects of parenting, our tendency can sometimes be to point out our children’s sin and mistakes while their efforts to help and serve may go unacknowledged. Making an intentional effort to point out the positives can be an encouragement for both kids and moms.

2. When they make the choice to obey: “God helped you keep your hands in the cart at the store like Mommy asked! Good self-control!”

We all have to struggle against our sinful nature to make choices that honor the Lord. When our children obey, we have an opportunity to help them understand that God helps us in our struggle against sin, and his Spirit bears fruit in our lives. Be specific about how you see the Lord helping them to grow in obedience.

3. When they need biblical wisdom: “Remember, whoever loves God must also love his brother. This is hard, but God can help you be kind!”

Begin building a foundation of biblical wisdom in your children by regularly speaking and applying basic truths from Scripture in everyday life. Start with foundational truths about loving God and loving others that will apply to many situations.

4. When they are afraid or unsure: “I know you feel scared. Remember, God is always with you.”

Many of our children’s fears aren’t based in reality and can be easily explained away. But they also deal with real fears, and we can’t always guarantee that everything will be fine. However, we can encourage them with the promises of Scripture. Over and over, God tells his people not to fear because he will always be with us.

5. When they are headed to nap or bedtime: “Mommy loves you so much. I’m so glad God put you in our family.”

We can never tell our children too many times that we love them and are thankful for them! And even in subtle ways, we can begin to teach them that God is sovereign over all things and doesn’t make mistakes. We can affirm his good design and purposes in putting our family together as we convey that they are a good gift from the Lord.

6. When you notice a gift or special ability: “God created you with such a wonderful imagination. I can’t wait to see how you use that to help others someday!”

When we see our children succeed, it can be easy to feel pride in ourselves and encourage it in our children. But when their strengths and talents are on display, we have an opportunity to point them to the One who gave them those abilities and begin to teach them to look for ways to use their gifts to serve God and others.

7. When you notice an area of weakness: “It’s hard to use nice words, but God can help change your heart and your words.”

Just as God has compassion on us in our sin, we can show compassion to our children. When they struggle, we can affirm that fighting against sin is hard. And we can point them to the hope of the gospel—that the power to overcome sin doesn’t come from ourselves, but from Christ’s work on the cross.

Of course, your words don’t have to sound exactly like these, and the opportunities for speaking life are much wider. But hopefully these ideas can get you started! Finish (or start) the week strong, momma. Encourage your little ones and point them to Jesus.

For more about speaking life to your children, listen to Episode 29 | Using Life-Giving Words With Our Children


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