A Liturgy When Breastfeeding Isn’t Going as Planned

Editor’s Note: A liturgy is a script, pattern, or rhythm meant to focus our hearts and lead them to worship. For the mom in a difficult place today, we hope the words below might be used to remind you of God’s presence in every moment. Consider praying them silently or aloud, posting them in a place you’ll regularly reference, using them as a springboard for journaling, or talking through them with a friend. For more liturgies on a variety of real-life topics and emotions, visit our friends over at EveryMomentHoly.com.

Sustaining God, 
meet me here, in this place 
of great insecurity.

When I fear that my body
simply cannot provide
the nourishment necessary
for the life of my child,
    let me remember 
    that this little one 
    entrusted to my arms, 
    is even more your 
    beloved child 
    than mine. 

So steady my troubled heart 
in this moment. Let me find peace 
in the promise of your provision. 

For you are the one 
who will provide for this child, 
supplying their every need,
not only in this hour, 
but throughout their life. 

I am but one of the many means 
by which your love will be lavished 
upon them, and your bounteous goodness 
expressed to them.

The flourishing of this child
does not rest upon my small shoulders
but upon your unwavering strength, O Christ.
You know our physical limitations this day. 
Our struggle is no surprise to you, nor 
is it beyond your ability to address. 
    Let me take solace in that.

The feeding of this child might not go 
the way I hoped or planned, but even
my frustration at my own limitations
becomes yet another invitation 
to rest my soul more wholly in you.

O God Who Sustains All Life, 
now reassure me in my distress. 

You have given this child into my 
stewardship, and you have given me 
so many gracious means by which 
to comfort and shelter them. 

Now give me wisdom to know
how best to meet their needs
at any given time. 

I pray you would enable 
this precious infant to easily 
feed at my breast. But if 
that is not to be—at least not
for now, in this hour—then let me 
find other fruitful means by which 
to nourish them, even as you 
so tenderly nourish me, O Lord.

God, my comfort, 
    embrace me when I feel alone.
Spirit, my strength, 
    embolden me when I am afraid.
Christ, my shepherd, 
    guide me when I am dismayed,

for I also am 
    your beloved child.


Every Moment Holy, Volume III (Rabbit Room Press, 2023)
copyright 2023 by Douglas Kaine McKelvey
Used with permission

Leslie Eiler Thompson

Born of a math-teaching father and art-teaching mother, Leslie Eiler Thompson’s work strikes a balance between craft and calculation. A polymath, her work takes on many forms—from podcast hosting/producing to writing, to music & VoiceOver work, to owning a creative consulting studio. Leslie and her family make home in the hills just outside the Nashville, Tennessee skyline. LeslieEilerThompson.com


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