Be Still and Notice: Savoring God’s Love in a Chaotic World

The raindrop slipped down the leaf, paused to sparkle in the sunlight for a moment, and then shimmered in a flash of silver as it fell to the ground.

I was standing in my backyard after a rainstorm, holding my baby and stooping over a leaf to examine a few tiny drops of water. My new-mom status was evidenced by a mess of unkempt hair, a spit-up-stained bathrobe, and a slightly crazed expression. The past few days had thrown me into a bout of the baby blues, but this morning, the sky had cleared enough for me to get some much-needed sunlight. As I stood rocking my newborn and soaking in the warm rays, I found myself captivated by the world of dripping leaves and sparkling webs that draped the nearby bushes.

I normally wouldn’t notice these details. As a fast-paced, schedule-loving, productivity-obsessed woman, I would typically stride through the backyard on my way to the laundry room, with no time to spare for anything else along the way. Things were different now. After giving birth for the first time three weeks ago, my entire life had been forced to a grinding halt. The transition had been a hard one, and sadness had been creeping in amidst sleepless nights, colicky cries, and never-ending spit-up. Just that morning I had felt completely overwhelmed and slightly forgotten by God. Now I stood barefoot in my backyard, mouth agape and heart bursting as I examined the intricate weave of webs and raindrops. 

God’s fingerprints were everywhere! Every flower, blade of grass, and teensy insect declared his divine care and marvelous handiwork. He was so obviously caring for this tiny kingdom in my backyard—how could I doubt that he was caring just as tenderly for me?

Threads of Grace

We all struggle at some point to see God’s loving work in our lives. Even apart from the distraction of difficult circumstances, our ordinary days are often bombarded by voices trying to turn our eyes away from Christ. Advertisements challenge our contentment in God’s provision, the horrors of the news cycle cloud our vision of God’s goodness, and loud opinions on social media can tempt us to doubt God’s truthfulness. 

In the midst of the noise, however, Jesus invites us to be still and see what he is doing. Our sovereign King is weaving together a beautiful tapestry within the fabric of our lives, tying together both sweetness and suffering to display a masterpiece of his glory. The tender forming of our children’s hearts. The deepening and sanctifying of our marriages. The blossoming of brotherly love between friends. The harvest of truths planted long ago, and the steady spread of Christlikeness in our own lives—these are the loving works of God that are soul-deep and slow-moving. Like the sparkling webs on the bushes in my backyard, these threads of grace aren’t always obvious, but when we do discover them, they bring God’s faithfulness back into focus.

We just have to slow down enough to notice.

Rhythms of Stillness

Being still and growing in our awareness of God’s love is a skill that needs to be cultivated over a long period of time. In our sinfulness, none of us are naturally prone to savor what the Lord is doing, which means we each need to fill our lives with rhythms that bring our gaze back to Jesus. The most important rhythm to develop by far is regular Bible reading and prayer. Reading the Bible reminds us of what is true and right, and prayer connects us directly with God himself, in an ongoing relationship. There is no better way to cut through the chaos! Apart from having a quiet time, though, there are many other habits that can help us grow in awareness of God’s ever-present faithfulness. Here are three of my personal favorites:

1. Writing in a Journal

Recording our feelings, circumstances, burdens, and dreams on paper is one of the best ways to notice the hidden threads of grace that run through our lives. Looking back through old journals can remind us of all the ways God has provided in the past and give us newly strengthened faith in his provision for the future.

2. Going on Regular Walks

Getting outside and away from screens and other distractions is always a good idea. Walking slows our pace down to one step at a time, which can open our eyes to see things we would have missed otherwise. Just like my brief trip to the backyard as a new mom, looking closely at creation can remind us of the loving care of our Creator.

3. Remembering to Rest

Resting well is becoming more difficult in our productivity-driven world—which means it’s more important than ever! God created us to thrive when we are well-rested, and taking time away from work, social media, emails, house projects, and other regular activities can give us renewed health and fresh perspective. Best of all, our rest can reflect God’s heart of restoration and peace for all of creation.

What are some rhythms that can help you savor God’s love more this year? Take some time to write down ideas, and then take action by adding at least one of your ideas to your daily or weekly planner. Pray for the Lord to quiet your heart, open your eyes, and renew your joy!

The God Who Notices

We humans may struggle to notice God, but God’s notice never passes over us. He always sees everything with perfect clarity and context, and he is not limited in the attention he can show to every detail, great and small. His work in the courts of kings does not overshadow his tender care over the growth of a toddler. He is equally committed to the intricate facets of our seemingly small lives as he is to the courses and movements of nations. He is a God who notices, and his notice always leads to an outpouring of extravagantly focused love. Oh that we would each live in constant awareness of this love! Every day is a battle to turn our eyes away from the chaos and towards Christ, but by God’s grace, we can establish the rhythms and routines necessary to savor his faithfulness and abide in his love, no matter how loud or difficult our circumstances might be.

Naomi Vacaro

Naomi Vacaro is the author of Quiet: Creating Grace-Based Rhythms for Spending Time with Jesus and the founder of Wholehearted, a ministry that helps believers create, keep, and enjoy a daily quiet time. Naomi grew up in Outer Mongolia as a missionary kid before moving to Central Florida at the age of 18. After getting a degree in graphic design, she married Matthew Vacaro and worked as a wedding photographer for four years. In 2018, Naomi designed a journal called the Quiet Time Companion and launched the Wholehearted online ministry. She now spends her time writing, directing the Wholehearted ministry, and being a stay-at-home mom.


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