COVID-19: A Note from the R|M Team

Dear Risen Motherhood Community,

As moms living in a world with many dangers, toils, and snares, we know that recent news about the COVID-19 pandemic is unsettling. Like you, we are praying and following the news. Our schedules and plans are changing by the hour as we consider how to love our neighbors as ourselves. 

Some of you have already been directly impacted by COVID-19 and many more of you might be impacted in the coming weeks and months. Because our mission is to bring gospel-hope to moms, we’re posting a letter to encourage and inform you. We need the good news of Jesus Christ to change our hearts and overflow into the lives of those around us now as much as ever.

First, our desire is to encourage you. Friend—we follow a God who created all things, and has all knowledge and power. While we don’t understand the way he works or always see his goodness right away, we trust that his character never changes or fails. As scary as this feels for us—no matter what grief or trial we will face—he is in control, he has a plan, and he is working for the good of those who are called according to his purpose. 

Sometimes when things like this happen, it serves as a reminder that we’re not God. We’re not in control. We’re not as secure as we thought we were. Maybe we’re even faced with our own mortality or the mortality of those we love. This is a sobering gift of mercy from God and a chance to receive his grace through Christ. If you aren’t sure where you stand in relationship with God, what you’re living for, or how you will spend eternity, turn to the Lord and follow him wholeheartedly. Trust in the sacrifice of Christ for your sin and give your allegiance to God. 

If you have already trusted Christ, now is the time to share the good news of the gospel with others in word and deed. The gospel is powerful, faith comes by hearing, and we have a loving responsibility to share the hope that we have with others. Along with our words, we can take tangible actions that communicate love to our neighbors. This is going to look different depending on where you live and what specific directions you’ve been given—but honor the policies of local organizations, schools, and authorities. Consider how your actions—and even going about life in ways that are inconvenient or uncomfortable—can be a way to love and protect the vulnerable. 

Second, we want to let you know that at this time, Risen Motherhood plans to move forward with our regularly scheduled content. In order to serve our community well, we prepare, write, edit, and record content weeks and months in advance. This means that many of the things you’ll read and hear this spring and summer were set in motion before our team was aware of COVID-19 and its widespread impact. 

We want to share this with you because we don’t want you to be caught off-guard by the lack of content on Risen Motherhood platforms that specifically speaks to the gospel and COVID-19. In addition, we realize some of the content might feel more light-hearted than the general mood of the moment. We’re screening podcasts and articles with a sensitive heart, but God knew about the current events and we trust he will still meet moms with gospel-hope through a variety of topics. 

If you are interested in resources specifically related to the gospel and COVID-19, we encourage you to check out the list below we’ve pulled together from other ministries that have already produced helpful, specific, and timely content. 

Risen Motherhood community, our hope is not in our health—it’s in Christ. He is risen from the dead and seated at the right hand of the Father. He’s not absent, he’s actively at work to bring about his final plans. This life and these present afflictions and hard things are preparing us for something we can’t see yet. Imagine how much we will rejoice when the new heavens and new earth appear, every tear is wiped away, and even viruses are no more.

- The R|M Team


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