Little by Little

Moms understand the concept of little. Each day, we wash little kitchen utensils, pack little snacks, find little socks, and hold little hands. Our necks ache from looking down and our knees crack from squatting. We also live by the progress of little. Cleaning up the playroom one small block at a time, correcting a heart one tantrum at a time, and nourishing a body one meal at a time. If there is one thing motherhood has taught us, it’s that growth and order aren’t the result of one big action, but of many moments added together over months and years. While we’re quick to look at our days and say this is a principle of motherhood alone, it’s a truth grounded in someone greater.

God, the author of all things grand, labored little by little to bring about the redemption of sin.[1] His moment by moment work through the Word and the Spirit causes our hearts to love new things.[2] His humble followers, scattered across countries and millennia, spread the good news one conversation and relationship at a time.[3] This is true in his creation as well. Rocks become sand after encountering wave after wave. Boulders are weathered away by the presence of wind over hundreds and thousands of years. Plants grow and bloom through consistent exposure to sunshine. Because God creates gigantic works of art little by little, it shouldn’t surprise us that our lives follow the same pattern.

But some of us have grown weary of little things. We look at the news feeds on our phones and feel small. We look at the achievements of friends and social media influencers and fear our everyday efforts are meaningless. We hear the never-ending pull to make every moment special and live our best lives now. Why not put aside the little kitchen utensils, socks, and hands for something bigger and better? We’re losing our grip on what’s really real.

It was this weariness in motherhood and the pull of our culture’s messages that led us to write Risen Motherhood. It’s the knowledge of the gospel—of God’s plans, our sin, the redemption we have in Christ, and the promise of eternity—that reframes the moments before us. Each time we wash a kitchen utensil, we can show mercy to children, too helpless to feed and care for themselves. We can display the beauty of the gospel, taking something dirty and making it clean. We can work hard for the Person whose love defines us and moves us to service. It’s the gospel that helps us see that even though our little efforts to do good aren’t enough, through Christ, they become an important participation in the story of grace.

For the mom who is tired of little things and little thanks, we want you to hear that God sees you and he can cause tiny things to produce a huge harvest for his Kingdom.[4] As you give the small imperfect deposits that feel like death, you embrace the true life God has for you in Christ.[5] Little by little, God’s Word helps you think in new ways.[6] God uses your life to show your family, neighbors, and co-workers the beautify of his love. 

Stay the course! Little by little, God works all things for your good in Christ.

Since it launched, the Risen Motherhood book has traveled across state lines to sit on thousands of doorsteps. Moms have lobbed it into diaper bags, onto park benches, inside nightstands, and onto coffee tables. Some copies have ripped pages, highlighted phrases, and dog-eared corners. But we hope that each and every copy is a little step on the way to understanding God’s amazing grace and how it transforms us from the inside out. 

If you haven’t already, we would love for you to order a copy today through your favorite vendor. Then, we invite you to find a place, no matter how short the moment or how tiny the chair, and read. Tell us what you’re learning by using the hashtag #RisenMotherhoodBook. 

Moms—the little years are not the lost years. They aren’t years to put off growth in the gospel until you get to something bigger and better. Jesus Christ is the bigger and the better—and his love is available to you today.[7] What are you waiting for? Why not do the little years right beside him, as he does the grand work in your heart?

[1] Ephesians 1:4, 1 Peter 1:20, Galatians 4:4-5

[2] Philippians 1:6, Romans 12:2, Ephesians 4:23

[3] Matthew 28:16-20, 

[4] Galatians 6:9

[5] Matthew 16:25, Philippians 3:8

[6] Colossians 3:1-2, Romans 8:5

[7] Colossians 1:15-20

Emily A. Jensen

Emily A. Jensen is an author, podcaster, and the cofounder and content director at Risen Motherhood, where she and her sister-in-law, Laura Wifler, help moms connect their faith to their everyday lives. Emily’s greatest passion is knowing Christ and making him known—in her home, her community, and to the ends of the Internet. Her book, He is Strong: Devotions for When You Feel Weak, releases October 2023.

When she’s not writing, speaking, podcasting, or encouraging women on Instagram, you can find her prepping a meal, pulling weeds, playing in the backyard with her children, or huddled up with a good book.


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