New Episodes of Risen Motherhood Return September 6

First of all, we want to say, "THANK YOU!"

We want to take a moment to thank all of you for your support over the past year and a half. We continue to be amazed by the ways God is using the podcast and the Risen Motherhood community. We frequently find ourselves talking about the unbelievable listeners we have, and all the support and encouragement you've show us. Truly, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you. To those of you who have been faithful listeners from the beginning, and those of you who have only just recently found us, we are so grateful to have found a space where so many mothers want to grow in intentional, gospel-centered motherhood.

You all have been so kind and gracious with us as we have grown in not only the technical aspects of running a podcast, but also in navigating and running such a fast-growing community, expanding the site to include RM|EQUIPPING (among many other things!). We know know we haven't done it perfectly, and we'll always be the first to admit that we have more to learn in our own motherhood, but we're grateful to have each of you locking arms with us to support us as we learn, change, and grow. 

Um...Did You Know We Are Both Having Babies This Summer?!

Throughout the past few shows, you've probably heard us talking about taking a brief "maternity leave" from the show, as we're both adding new babies to our families this summer! In case you missed it, Laura had her baby, Eden Lynn, three weeks early on June 8, and Emily is due with her little girl in early August. As we both adjust to our growing families, we'll be taking the months of July and August off from releasing new podcast episodes and will return with new shows on Wednesday, September 6, 2017. We're already planning with special interview guests and frequently-requested show topics!

But We're Not Totally Off The Grid...

We hope you'll stick with us over the next couple months as we'll still be active on social media ( Facebook || Instagram || Twitter ) and releasing new content on this blog, all to encourage you in gospel-centered motherhood. Plus, we have an archive of 70 episodes that you can listen to while we're on break. If you're looking for a specific topic, we encourage you to search our archive. 

In addition, we hope you'll use your summer to dig into some new books and resources. If you haven't checked them out yet, we've pulled together all our favorite resources for Biblical motherhood on the Resources page - you'll find our favorite books for spiritual growth, the best children's Bibles, our top picks for journals for quiet times and prayer, and even find tips on our favorite highlighters that don't bleed through thin Bible pages, or music for kids that won't hurt your ears.  Be sure to check out all our Recommended Resources here.

And of course, we always want to encourage you to prioritize spending time in God's word above anything else. Visit RM|EQUIPPING for all our resources for studying scripture, as well as to find our tutorial for understanding and growing in the Inductive Bible Study Method.   We hope this summer you'll be able to find time to soak in God's word and grow in your love and understanding of him - which will in turn grow you in your role as a mother. 

 How you can support Risen Motherhood:

Many of you have been gracious enough to ask how you can support the ministry of Risen Motherhood - thank you! Here are a few simple ways that only take a few minutes of your time, but would have a big impact for this ministry. 

  • Share Risen Motherhood with your friends and/or on your social media platforms. We truly hope this podcast fosters conversations and deeper discussions between mothers to seek the gospel in their daily activities. Recommending Risen Motherhood to your mom-friends and online followers is one of the most meaningful endorsements we could receive, and we'd be honored if you shared and encouraged others to listen in.

  • Purchase a resource from our "Recommended Resources."  As we mentioned above, we've pulled together all our favorite resources for growing in gospel-centered motherhood. When you purchase a resource from our lists, we receive a small percentage of the purchase price, but it doesn't cost you anything. 100% of all profits will go directly back into the ministry of Risen Motherhood. 

  • Leave an iTunes review. While it may not seem like much, iTunes reviews are actually one of the best ways to spread the word about the show. The ratings and reviews you leave for us help iTunes to rank us higher in the search engine and encourage new listeners to try us out. If you're not sure where to begin with leaving a review, we've put together a tutorial for you right here. 

  • Follow us on social media: We use FacebookInstagram and Twitter to keep listeners updated on the latest episodes, as well as to share short posts and microblogs with Biblically-based encouragement on motherhood. In addition, you'll find all the latest news and updates about the show or new products for RM|EQUIPPING. (And for lots of behind-the-scenes content, be sure to find us on Instagram and watch our Stories!)

Thank you again for all you do to support us in this ministry. We can't wait to return on September 6, 2017!


Loud, Chaotic Quiet Times


Hey Moms, Look Up