Social Media and the Trap of Comparison

“But when they measure themselves by one another and compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding” (2 Cor. 10:12).

Some days, I love social media. Other days, I’d be perfectly fine if it disappeared into oblivion. 

On one hand, it allows us the privilege of getting to know sisters-in-Christ from all over the world, spurring one another on, sharing gospel hope with those we’d never cross paths with otherwise, and staying up to date with friends and family.

On the other hand, it can become an unhealthy escape, a time-waster, a source of envy and comparison, an inducer of discontentment and insecurity, and a space that can tempt us to build our own little kingdom.

I could go on, but the point is that the same thing that can be a blessing to us can also be a thief of peace, joy, contentment, and true community.

So this begs the question: is it possible to embrace the blessings of social media, while also guarding our hearts from unhelpful comparisons to those on the other end of the screen? 

Like most of life, there isn’t a black and white answer. And I certainly won’t pretend that I have it figured out. However, as moms, we need to guard against the dangers lurking not only behind our screens but in our hearts. Because if we become aware of the temptations and pitfalls, we’ll be better able to recognize them and reorient our hearts and habits when we do. 

Although there are countless pitfalls to be aware of, I’d like to focus on one of the most prevalent among us as moms: comparison. 


Scrolling through our social media feeds, we inevitably stumble across that woman’s page who’s beautiful, engaging, and fawned over by many. She offers tips on how to organize, lose ten pounds, bake the perfect loaf of sourdough, make crafts with your kids, dress for the occasion, homeschool your kids, journal through the Bible, work a great job, and volunteer at church.

Even though we know in our head that a picture doesn’t tell the whole story, somehow, it still stirs a little part in our heart that wonders, “Why am I not like that?” “Why am I not prettier, more crafty, better at organizing, or able to work and care for my kids with such perfect balance?” Even in the name of vulnerability, it’s often “curated vulnerability” that portrays a real picture but with filtered colors. 

The problem is: social media will never accurately portray real life. Because, frankly, it’s not as pretty to look at. Who wants the world to see their messy room, dirty bathroom, increasing wrinkles, frumpy outfit, or arguing children? We’re far more likely to show our happy family picture than the meltdown that occurred two seconds later. Not that that’s wrong; it’s just the nature of the beast. Sure, we may be willing to share a mess our child made that other moms would find funny and relatable, but when it comes to revealing our own weaknesses, tension in our marriage, or the mold growing in the shower, that’s a hard pass. 

So if the answer isn’t to start airing our dirty laundry, what is it? 

It’s to go to battle with our hearts. 

Comparison isn’t just a social media struggle, and it’s certainly not a new one. Ever since sin entered the world, comparison and its many relatives (jealousy, discontentment, envy, ingratitude, pride) have gained a foothold in the lives of men and women, even the most godly. 

In the Old Testament, Cain grew jealous when he saw God’s response to Abel's sacrifice compared to his own.[1] Jacob’s sons compared themselves to their favored brother, Joseph .[2] Rachel envied her sister, Leah, for having multiple children while Rachel remained barren.[3] And King David lusted over what belonged to his neighbor, ultimately committing murder because of it.[4] 

In the New Testament, the Apostle Paul challenged the Corinthians on this same sin. He wrote, “Not that we dare to classify or compare ourselves with some of those who are commending themselves. But when they measure themselves by one another and compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding” (2 Cor. 10:12). 

Paul challenged the Corinthians to not compare or judge themselves in light of others, which, in this case, were false apostles creating their own standards and elevating themselves in the process. Instead, the Corinthians were to be more concerned with what God thought of them than those around them. 

We, too, can fall into this trap if we aren’t careful. It can be tempting to present ourselves in the best possible light to build ourselves up—even if for just a moment. Or we moms can scroll through social media and quickly find ourselves sinking deeper into self-loathing, insecurity, and jealousy as we begin to compare the inside of our lives to the outward snapshots of others’. As Paul wrote, we then become people “without understanding.”

But if we first bring our desire to be seen and known to the Lord, asking him to fill us with his truth and promises about our identity in him, then we can enter social media without needing the approval of others to dictate our worth.   

Examine Your Heart     

Sister, having social media is a modern blessing in many ways. And yet, while we are more connected than moms of any other generation, we can also be lonelier than ever. In part, because social media has provided a false sense of true community. 

So I encourage us all with this—let’s ask the Lord to search our heart and give us insight and awareness into our own temptations in this area.[5] Rather than running away from social media because it draws our sin to the surface, we can learn to set healthy boundaries while going to battle with sin itself (which, yes, may mean stepping away for a time or indefinitely if the Lord leads). 

Be in Community

We are what we consume, so the greatest way to guard our hearts from falling into the trap of comparison is to first fill ourselves with what God says is true. And when we’re regularly communing with God through his Word and prayer, social media is more likely to take its proper place. 

In addition to spending time with the Lord, it’s important to invest in our local community (including other Christian moms), where we’re able to enter the mess and beauty of each other’s lives in the deepest way. Social media can be like grabbing a handful of chips when we’re starving. It may be enjoyable and satisfying for the short-term, but we’ll quickly grow hungry for food that provides the nourishment our body needs. Similarly, social media can be a quick fix to our desire for connection because we can access “community” even if we’re alone with our kids. But just like grabbing a handful of chips won’t truly satisfy us, social media will never be able to provide the richness of doing life with those we’re face-to-face with. We can enjoy the positive aspects that online relationships offer but need to remember to make in-person community (with the Lord and others) of highest priority.  

Diagnostic Tools    

Today, if you find yourself scrolling through social media and falling into the comparison trap, I encourage you to examine what you’re believing to be true: 

  • Does this picture tell the whole story? 

  • Does God see me as less than this woman because I’m not as __________? 

  • Has God gifted me differently than this woman? 

  • Am I envious of her circumstances because I’m discontent with my own? 

  • Do I base my value on how others see me? 

  • Instead of comparing, can I pray for this woman, knowing there’s always more to the story than I can see?   

Sister, social media can be a blessing—but one we must enter into with guardrails, knowing the tendencies of our heart. Rather than making it as a measuring stick of our value, may we use social media in a way that glorifies Christ more than ourselves, encourages others more than we seek to be filled, and deepens our gratitude and joy more than our comparison. 

[1] Genesis 4:4-5

[2] Genesis 37:5-8

[3] Genesis 30:1

[4] 2 Samuel 11

[5] Psalm 139:23-24

Sarah Walton

Sarah Walton is a mom of four children and the co-author of He Gives More Grace, Hope When It Hurts, and Together Through the Storms, and the author of Tears and Tossings. She and her family live in Colorado Springs, where they enjoy exploring the limitless beauty of the Colorado Rocky Mountains. In her free time, Sarah dreams about what she would do if she actually had free time.


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