Help us Spread the Hope of the Gospel

Not too long ago, a missionary mom emailed to share a story with us. She told us she was using the podcast as a means to meet new moms in a foreign country. Many of the moms she met wanted to learn English, so she shared the show with them and quickly gospel conversations began. Another mom told us she was struggling in her faith after the birth of her second child, but after interacting with the ministry on social media, she decided to get back to reading her Bible and spending time with God. A third mom messaged us about an unbelieving friend she was praying for and witnessing to for two years. One day the friend finally showed interest in the gospel—she wanted to talk about what she heard on the R|M podcast. A husband recently messaged us to say he’d noticed a change in his wife. He felt it was due, in part, to God using the ministry in her life.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Each week messages pour into our inbox, telling powerful stories about God’s work through R|M. While every person has a different story to share, there’s one common theme: God is on the move, he is changing hearts and lives, drawing mothers to himself.

At R|M, our prayer is for moms to be transformed by gospel. It’s our heart to encourage, equip, and challenge moms to look at the cross, understanding how Christ’s death and resurrection actually impacts her everyday life. R|M can’t change hearts, only God can. R|M is just a tool, a conduit of God’s grace in the lives of mothers, and any transformation that occurs is a result of God’s work, not ours. Through our community sharing R|M’s resources like the stories we shared above, the influence for the gospel is spreading far beyond what we could have imagined.

But we need your help to keep R|M going as the ministry is funded by the generous donations of our community. Each month we pay operational costs for hosting, email subscription services, web programming, photography, transcriptions, and more. We also pay our team to develop high-quality creative content for the podcast, website, and social media, and to do things like manage finances and legal, or keep a well-functioning website.

But we know that asking for funding can sometimes be ambiguous. So in the name of full disclosure, here are some numbers that might help you understand why we need your help. To produce one episode of the Risen Motherhood podcast, it costs about $500, which is $15,000 a year. To produce one blog post, it’s $200, which equates to about $20,000 a year at our current rate of two posts a week. For a new equipping resource, it takes anywhere from $500-$1,000, which doesn’t include costs if we work with a professional artist or a translator (like the children’s Abide cards). These resources are free to anyone in the world, all because of the generosity of the R|M community.

We know these are big numbers. They surprised us too when we calculated them out. Yet, these numbers don’t even include the hours we spend updating the website with recommended resources for you to access, creating social media content for quick encouragement, crafting and designing our monthly newsletter, making companion questionnaires, or answering the thousands of messages that come through our inboxes each year.

Which leads us to ask: Will you join us in the ministry of Risen Motherhood? Will you tangibly help the cause to influence mothers for the gospel with the hope that God will change hearts to be soft towards him? Will you help us be a ministry of grace to an entire generation of moms, while we watch the gospel influence future generations?

We’re part of a platform called Patreon, where you make a monthly pledge for as little as $1/month. At each level, you’ll gain access to rewards that are not available to the public. Or, if an ongoing pledge isn’t for you, we also appreciate one-time donations. Please only give as you feel led, but every dollar will make a difference for the ministry of RM.

If you’re a mom reading this, or maybe you’re a grandma, husband, aunt, or even someone that hasn’t entered the world of motherhood yet, will you consider contributing to the work God is doing at R|M? Your support will not only make an impact today, but for eternity.

While we hope you’ll give to the ministry, no matter what, we want to say thank you. We’re glad you’re on the journey with us and are thankful to have so many women alongside us, walking in gospel-centered motherhood. All praise be to God.

- The RM Team


At All Costs


Give Me Your Eyes