Content Philosophy

FAQ: Why don’t you speak out about _____ topic? //  What is your content philosophy? 

Who We Are

We’re a team of Christian moms from around the United States, working part-time from home. Like many of you, our kids range in age from infant to late-elementary school. We are members in local churches where we’re under authority of our elders and strive to grow alongside other believers. We’re not medical doctors, licensed therapists, or seminary-trained Bible teachers. While our social media following might categorize us as “influencers” we’re still regular people—limited, failable image-bearers who follow the only wise, all-knowing, one true God. We’re grateful to be a nonprofit that’s governed by a board of directors and a statement of faith. 

Our Audience

We’re so grateful for each and every person who reads and listens to our content. It’s a joy and privilege to participate in God’s work in individual moms and families for generations to come! While we don’t know the far-reaching impacts of our content on the women who come alongside us in gospel application, we do have a few stats. We know that we reach hundreds of thousands of moms from over 260 countries around the world. These are women living in different cultures who face various challenges. We know that they generally have 1-5 children between the ages of 0 and 10.

Our Mission and Content Strategy

With these two realities in mind, each piece of content is sourced, created, curated, or edited by the moms on our team. If you’ve clicked around our site, you might see the tagline, “Gospel-hope for moms” which is exactly what we’re all about! While the gospel has implications for current events, lifestyle choices, politics, social justice, etc. our focus isn’t a specific area of culture or the news of the week. Instead, we aim to help moms all over the world grasp overarching, timeless, transcultural biblical principles, rooted in the good news of Jesus Christ. 

This means that we don’t plan our content based on specific current events, causes, or issues. When possible, we’re sensitive to release dates and will sometimes alter the timing of posts because of what's going on in the culture around us, but it’s not our norm. Instead of releasing our immediate take on events in the United States or in Christian subculture, we pray and reflect on broad concerns that moms around the globe face in different ways. 

We know we can’t know every need or speak to the vast array of circumstances moms are facing around the globe. Our goal is to zoom back so that moms are better equipped to zoom in and examine their concerns and situations in light of the gospel, prompting rich and truth-filled conversations between friends.

As failable women in the trenches of motherhood alongside our audience, we realize we’re limited and are learning new things every year. Because of this, we want to be slow to speak. Slow to post. Wise. Seeking direction and discernment from others when we have questions. Cautious about speaking into things we don’t know much about. Honest about the limits of our knowledge or expertise. We want to serve others with God’s truth and offer quality content over quantity.

The Role of Local

Over and over again, we point moms to relationships and church membership in their local context, with others who can know them in real life and work through gospel-application in their context. The R|M Team can’t begin to see, understand, and respond to the myriad of struggles that moms are facing, although we often pray and lament alongside them. 

As a parachurch organization, we come alongside the church (global and local) in its mission, not as a replacement for it. We don’t speak or generate content with the authority of a pastor or elder. We hope that our community is encouraged by all that we say, share, post, and publish but that it’s not viewed with disproportionate influence or authority. 

From our team to you—we’re glad you’re here. If you’re a mom, we pray that God will use this ministry to give you the hope of the gospel right where you’re at. We know we can’t and won’t be able to meet you perfectly and specifically every time. But this doesn’t mean we don’t care! We do. More than you know. And God cares infinitely more than we do. It’s his wisdom and comfort that we all ultimately need. Turn to him, and live.