Ep. 92 || Learning, Growing, & Changing Our Minds: How the Gospel Frees us to Do Something Different

From diaper choices and sleep methods to snack options and schooling methods, we make many decisions throughout our years of mothering. We research, we pray, we talk with our husbands, and we come to what feels like our “final” decision. But what about when we need to or want to change? In this episode, Emily and Laura talk about changing our minds on the little things and the big things. While we will never be perfect in decision-making, we serve a God who is wise, all-knowing, and in perfect control of all things. Momma, let’s be faithful in our limitations while trusting our limitless God to bring all things to fruition for his glory and our good.

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R|M Apply Questions:

We’re going to change our minds. We’ll learn new information, experience new things, grow in our faith, and realize we’ve made errors. So what does the gospel have to do with it? Everything. It reorients us towards trusting God with our hearts, seeking him and his will through his word, freeing us from the opinions and judgments of others, and ultimately providing us hope. No matter what we decide, God is at work bringing his perfect, eternal plan to fruition.

  1. When we change our minds, we admit that we’re not in control and we don’t know everything. How does our limited nature differ from God’s nature? Does he change his mind or change his plan? Does his character bring you hope? Why or why not?

  2. Is there anything in your life that you’re contemplating changing right now? Take a minute to think about why you might be fearful – others’ opinions, biblical challenge, rigid expectations and dreams, etc.? Does the Bible give explicit instructions on this topic or is there personal freedom?

  3. We are constantly growing as the Holy Spirit transforms our hearts, and we have been gifted God’s word to renew our minds. In what ways can you grow in biblical literacy this year? What are some creative ways to spend more time in God’s word (ie. listening in the car, singing short verses with your kiddos)?

  4. Most of the time, we’re walking by faith without knowing the full plan, which means we’ll find ourselves in situations that we didn’t and wouldn’t have planned for ourselves. From what we discussed about God’s character in question 1, why is that okay and even a good thing? If you’re struggling to trust God with a decision in your life, think back on his faithfulness to you throughout your life. Share your struggles in prayer and dig into his promises in scripture.

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Ep. 93 || How Should We Educate Our Children? The Case for Freedom, Part 1


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