

Technology, Christian Growth Risen Motherhood Technology, Christian Growth Risen Motherhood

Ep. 36 || True Hope for Moms: Discerning Lies You Hear Online

Moms hear a lot of messages when they scroll through their news feeds; "You are doing enough. If you just love your kids, you're doing a good job. It's okay to be falling apart, we all are." While those messages might offer some temporary help, are they the whole truth? In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss what it looks like to give moms an injection of lasting hope and how to discern messages that are contrary to the gospel. Moms need more than just sips from the water-bucket of mom culture, they need help and encouragement from the eternal, life-giving well of Jesus.

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School, Emotions & Mental Health Risen Motherhood School, Emotions & Mental Health Risen Motherhood

Ep. 30 || Why You Don't Have to Live With Mom Guilt

Maybe it's related to a petty thing, or maybe it's rooted in a big daily decision, but all moms face familiar feelings of guilt. The question isn't, "Do we battle guilt as moms?" but, "What will we do with it?" Will we continue to live under a dark cloud of condemnation, or bring our questions to the throne of grace? In this episode, Emily and Laura explore the common underlying reasons for mom guilt, and start the conversation about how to deal with. Regardless of what you discover about your heart as you examine your guilt in light of scripture, there is only one outcome in the gospel: freedom.

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Discipline & Discipleship, Little Years Risen Motherhood Discipline & Discipleship, Little Years Risen Motherhood

Ep. 20 || When Potty Training is a Struggle

So you tried all the juice boxes, sticker charts, boot camps, and Pinterest parenting articles and your child still isn't potty trained? Well, you're not alone. While potty training is easy for some, for others, it can mean weeks, months or dare I say,years, of accidents and reminders. This type of frustration has more spiritual significance than we give it credit for, because it's the daily struggles that reveal what's really lurking in our mommy-heart. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss their potty training setbacks, and the opportunity for growth God has given them along the way.

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