Momma, Your Home Is Holy

Sometimes, in the chaos of children and cooking and cleaning and errands and just generally managing a household and family, I forget why I'm doing what I'm doing. I forget who I serve. I get so focused on the here and now, I forget Him and eternity. Last night, as I was cooking dinner, dad was working late and the kids were whining at my feet, I felt exasperated. Strung out. Overwhelmed.

And then, I stopped and sang,

"Holy Spirit, You are welcome here
Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere
Your glory, God, is what our hearts long for
To be overcome by Your presence, Lord"

Our homes are holy. God is not afraid of my crumb-filled kitchen floors or dirt-streaked walls. God does not need a church steeple overhead or pews to sit on. God meets us exactly where we are at. He is the God of thrown-together dinners, sitting in the carpool lane and magna-tiles strewn on the living room floor. He is the God of water tables and playgrounds, driving home from work and going to doctor appointments. God is everywhere! He is in everything! He needs nothing!

Invite him into your home today, however it looks. Welcome him to your family dinner, to your playdate, to your bedtimes, and tantrums. He promised to show you himself and who he is. In the midst of the chaos in your house, slow down and see his glory. Be overcome by his presence. You have been equipped for this by the power of the Holy Spirit. God is the reason why we do what we do.

Stay focused on what matters.

For more like this, listen to Episode 19 | A Bad Moment Doesn't Have to Make a Bad day


The Lie of "I'll Do It Tomorrow"


Every Hour We Need Thee