Ep. 131 || How Do I Know if I’m a Good Mom?

We all wonder if we meet the “good mom” standard. Do I feed them enough vegetables? Should I be the one reading the bedtime story? Do my kids behave? In this special episode, Emily and Laura ask the mother of all motherhood questions in front of a live audience: How do I know if I’m a good mom? Deep down, we all know we’re not good enough on our own. But the good news of the gospel is that we have Christ’s perfect record as our own, and God sees us as good in Jesus. So instead of looking at ourselves, let’s look at Christ and ask the better question: Do I know and love the One who makes me good?

R|M Apply Questions:

  1. The “good mom” standard is different for each of us (and even different depending on the day). Can you name specifics you think of as the standard of a good mom? Do you judge yourself against these? How do you feel when you compare yourself to the “good mom?”

  2. Most of us feel shame or failure when we realize we don’t meet the standard of good moms—whether that’s our made-up standard or God’s perfect standard. This is why understanding how to preach the gospel to yourself is so important to tune our hearts and minds to the truth of God’s word. Can you explain the four parts of the gospel story (creation, fall, redemption, consummation)?

  3. Reminding ourselves of the gospel will help reorient our perspectives about how God sees us in Christ. Why does it matter that Jesus met God’s standard, which is perfection, on our behalf?

  4. Since Jesus gave us his perfect record, we can now stand before God as women who’ve never sinned and always obeyed in every area of life. This is the free gift of God in Jesus. How does God’s grace enable you to be faithful in the work of motherhood without feeling the weight of the “good mom” standard?

  5. One way to focus your mind and heart on Christ is to ask yourself, “Who’s on the throne in my life today?” What does it look like for you to live for Christ in every moment? How does knowing he makes you good change your day today?

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Ep. 132 || Habits of Faithfulness in Every Season: An Interview with Nancy Wolgemuth


Ep. 130 || Gospel Hope When You’re Annoyed as a Mom