Ep. 132 || Habits of Faithfulness in Every Season: An Interview with Nancy Wolgemuth

Everything seems pressing in the early years of motherhood. The baby’s diaper, the promised game of tag, and the dirty upstairs bathroom repeatedly demand our attention. It can be easy to feel bogged down by the everyday and lose sight of the bigger picture. In this episode, Emily and Laura interview Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth about building habits of faithfulness in every season of life. Nancy has impacted millions of women worldwide through her ministries, Revive Our Hearts and the True Woman movement. She’s a prolific writer, speaker, radio host; and she’s wife to Robert. It may be hard to see past the early years of motherhood in the moment, but when we’re 40, 50, or 60 years old, we’ll see the spiritual impact of the daily choices we make right now. If we want to breathe the gospel in and out, we need a steady habit of seeking God through his word.

R|M Apply Questions:

  1. How would you describe your current season of life? Describe your particular challenges and blessings. Do your actions and attitudes display a trust that God is for you, with you, and in you?

  2. Throughout scripture, God reminds Israel of his past faithfulness to them for their benefit in the midst of hard things. Ultimately, we can look at Christ as our rescuer to see God’s faithfulness. What other ways has God been faithful to you in past seasons? What does this reveal about his character and his love for you?

  3. One way God is faithful to us is through the “means of grace”—prayer, his word, and fellowship with believers. Investing in these things will produce fruit in us presently but also in the future. What makes it hard for you to spend time studying God’s word, praying, or spending time with other believers? What other things do you invest in and what kind of return will they have in the future?

  4. Nancy encouraged us to consider what we can cut from our lives in this season in order to pursue God in his word. What non-essential activities consume time without adding refreshment and value? Are there small pockets of time you can use to listen to an audio Bible, memorize a verse, or read your Bible in small chunks?

  5. It’s beneficial to spend time with older, wiser women. They’re able to see beyond our current season of life, offering encouragement and exhortation for our souls that go beyond the early years of motherhood. Do you have an older woman in your life to talk to and learn from? Who could you approach to talk about gospel living? (It doesn’t have to be over a monthly cup of coffee or a huge time commitment! Try Voxer or email or a weekly check-in in the hall at church!)

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Ep. 133 || Summer Expectations: Setting Our Sights on Grace


Ep. 131 || How Do I Know if I’m a Good Mom?