Ep. 81 || Celebrating Advent with Little Ones

One of the most exciting things we can teach our children is that Jesus came to earth as a tiny baby and that he’s coming back as the King. This past-and-future perspective is at the heart of the Advent season as we celebrate what has happened and wait expectantly for what is to come. On this episode, Emily and Laura explain the meaning of advent, sharing ways to celebrate, and encourage moms to find freedom in the Christmas season. Instead of running into the holidays with added pressure of one more thing, we can look to Christ and celebrate the gospel story in our homes from an overflow of joy.

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R|M Apply Questions:

God’s plan for his creation was set before the beginning of time. Everything was planned for our good and his glory, from the garden to the cross to the future glory of Christ as King (Eph. 1:4-10)! The season of Advent is a chance to spend four weeks focusing on God’s faithfulness to us through Christ as a baby and the future faithfulness of Christ returning as our King. Our hope is that by focusing our hearts on these truths, we will remind ourselves and our kiddos that our eternal joy is found in Jesus alone.

  1. In the Old Testament, we find God’s people waiting and longing for Jesus to come to earth for the first time. They were frustrated, wounded, displaced, lacking, and hopeful. We are longing for Jesus to come back, too. How can you relate to our brothers and sisters in the Old Testament? In what ways are you longing for Jesus?

  2. Moms are part of the redemption story in 2017, even in our place in-between Jesus as a baby and Jesus as the coming King. As we enter Advent, we look back to God’s faithfulness to celebrate his future faithfulness. What are some examples of God’s faithfulness to your family?

  3. Advent is a yearly reminder to show our kids how we are waiting for Christ to come back to rescue us and how Jesus is our ultimate hope in life. There are a million activities for Advent, but the gospel’s focus is always our hearts. Since you know your family’s rhythm best, what are some natural ways to incorporate Advent traditions into your life that will bring joy and rest?

  4. God is not just the God of plans and order, he is also the God of joy, creativity, and enjoyment. When he created the garden of Eden, everything was beautiful and delightful to Adam and Eve. It was perfect! Knowing that God delights to give his children good gifts, how can you make your Advent activities a joy to your children and their specific personalities and interests?

  5. God uses every little moment of motherhood, whether or not your Advent activity is perfectly executed. What are your expectations for your Advent celebrations? How does the gospel infuse grace for each member of your family in these celebrations?

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Ep. 82 || Using Stories to Pass Along the Gospel to Your Children


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