AUA FAQ Round Up: Fall 2018 Edition​​​​​​​


The RM Team loves seeing questions roll in as we’re prepping for an “Ask Us Anything” podcast episode with Emily and Laura. Unfortunately, we can’t answer every question submitted to us—there’s just not enough time. However, we have a treasure trove of resources and information in our show archives, article archives, and old show notes that often have answers to some of the questions we receive. If you didn’t hear Emily and Laura answer your question on this most recent AUA show, check below. We’ve rounded up a collection links from previous R|M content (plus a few other sources) to help answer some of the most asked question we received.


  1. How can I learn time management? How do you navigate schedules, activities, feeds, meal planning, etc.?

    1. Ep. 40, To-Do Lists and How-Tos: Finding Practical Help in Motherhood

    2. Ep. 86: Self-Care in the Busyness of Motherhood

    3. Ep. 88: Momma Needs Her Sleep: Gospel Hope for the Tired Mom

    4. Ep. 100: Ask Us Anything Spring 2018 Edition

    5. "Hey Moms, Look Up"

    6. "When Expectations Hurt Your Motherhood"

    7. "Trade the Toil for Rest in Motherhood"

    8. "For the Mom Who Feels Helpless"

  2. I’m overwhelmed and anxious with two tiny ones. At what point do you begin to feel more okay with where you are?

    1. Ep. 37, Working Hard at Home: Emily's Story

    2. "I Never Wanted to Become a Desperate Mom"

    3. "Why Your Theology Matters to Motherhood"

    4. "When Expectations Hurt Your Motherhood"

    5. "Trade the Toil for Rest in Motherhood"

    6. "At the Base of the Mountain"

    7. "Hey Moms, Look Up"

    8. "When Motherhood Doesn't Fit Quite Right"

    9. "Momma, Your Home is Holy"

    10. "Encouragement for the Weary Mom"

    11. "For the Mom Who Feels Helpless"

    12. “Contentment in Motherhood”

  3. What are your best tips to quickly calm yourself down when you feel yourself losing your temper with your kids?

    1. Ep. 49, When Momma Gets Mad, Part 1

    2. Ep. 50, When Momma Gets Mad, Part 2

    3. Ep. 87, What it Means to Preach the Gospel to Yourself

    4. "I Never Wanted to Become a Desperate Mom"

    5. "Why Your Theology Matters to Motherhood"

    6. "At the Base of the Mountain"

    7. "When Expectations Hurt Your Motherhood"

    8. “Kindness, Even When You’re Sleep Deprived”

    9. “For the Mom Who Keeps Blowing It”

    10. “Gospel Hope When You Feel Like You’re Not Enough”

  4. How do you shift your heart and attitude when everyone and everything annoys you? How do you reset your heart?

    1. Ep. 19, A Bad Moment Doesn’t Make a Bad Day

    2. Ep. 27, Every Moment Matters as a Mom

    3. Ep. 49, When Momma Gets Mad, Part 1

    4. Ep. 50, When Momma Gets Mad, Part 2

    5. Ep. 87, What it Means to Preach the Gospel to Yourself

    6. "Why Your Theology Matters to Motherhood"

    7. "At the Base of the Mountain"

    8. “Anger in Motherhood: Allowing the Gospel to Shine Brightly”

    9. "When Expectations Hurt Your Motherhood"

    10. "Momma, Your Home is Holy"

    11. “Kindness, Even When You’re Sleep Deprived”

  5. How do you serve your family even if they seem ungrateful?

    1. Ep. 37, Working Hard at Home: Emily’s Story

    2. “See Needs and Meet Them”

  6. How do you show grace to people who tell you how to parent?

    1. Ep. 69, Loving the Mom Who is Different Than You

    2. Ep. 74, Grandparents & the Gospel: Why Do They Get Under Your Skin?

    3. Ep. 75, Grandparents & the Gospel: Approach Them With Grace

    4. “God’s Grace Beyond Our ‘Mom Tribes’”

    5. “When We’re Offended: The Cost of Being a Peacemaker”

  7. How do you preach the gospel to yourself and/or to your kids?

    1. Ep. 87, What It Means to Preach the Gospel to Yourself

    2. “What Does It Mean to Remember My Identity in Christ?”

    3. “What Does It Mean to Remember the Gospel?”

    4. “What Does It Mean to Find My Hope in Christ?”

  8. As a stay-at-home mom/work-from-home mom, how do you balance staying at home and taking the kids out on outings?

    1. Ep. 11, What is Mom’s Time Worth?

    2. Ep. 43, Serving Others Right Where You’re At

    3. Ep. 54, Ask Us Anything: Spring 2017 Edition

    4. "When Expectations Hurt Your Motherhood"

  9. How do you handle transitions?

    1. Ep. 60, Adding Another Little: How Mom Can Greet the Transition with Hope

    2. “Transitions”

  10. How do you talk to your kids about sexuality in age appropriate ways?

    1. God Made All of Me (Book)

    2. Mom, Dad...What’s Sex?: Giving Your Kids a Gospel-Centered View of Sex and Our Culture (Book)

    3. Before I Was Born (Book)

    4. “How to Talk to Your Children About Sex”

    5. “The Talk”

  11. How do you think about body image and teach positive body image to your kids?

    1. Ep. 03, Postpartum Body Image

    2. Ep. 66, Hannah Anderson: How Humility Nourishes a Weary Mom’s Soul

    3. Ep. 71, Mom Bods and the Gospel

    4. “Why You Don’t Have to Love Your Postpartum Body”

  12. What lessons have you learned being on this special needs journey?

    1. Ep. 72, Questions, Appointments, Evaluations, and Differences: When Your Child Doesn’t Fit the Mold

    2. “Special: How the Gospel Shapes the Unique Journey of Special Needs Parenting”

    3. The Life We Never Expected  (Book)


  1. Did either of your have PPD or PPA? What helped you during that time?

    1. Ep. 52, Gospel-Hope for Postpartum Depression with Lindsey Carlson

    2. When Postpartum Packs a Punch

    3. “Finding God in My Postpartum Fire”

    4. “A Gospel Prescription in Postpartum Depression”

2. Any tips on dealing with birth trauma?

  1. Ep. 34, Recovering from a Traumatic Birth: Laura’s Story

  2. “When Birth Doesn’t Go to Plan: Where is God in a Difficult Birth Story?”

3. Do you have encouragement for the pregnant and postpartum mom who needs patience and a peaceful attitude?

    1. “I Never Wanted to Become a Desperate Mom”

    2. "Why Your Theology Matters to Motherhood"

    1. “Anger in Motherhood: Allowing the Gospel to Shine Brightly”

    2. "Hey Moms, Look Up"

    3. "When Expectations Hurt Your Motherhood"

    4. “Kindness, Even When You’re Sleep Deprived”

4.  Have you experienced gender disappointment with any of your babies? How do you apply this gospel to this issue?

  1. Journeywomen Ep. 35, On Unmet Expectations (Maggie Combs talks specifically about her disappointment and struggle through gender disappointment, but it’s applicable for all unmet expectations and desires.

  2. “Desires Unfulfilled: What to Do When God says No”

5. I am expecting my first, second, third child. What are the best resources to equip myself?

  1. Besides the Bible, check out the R|M Resources Page — Books On Motherhood


  1. How do you still enjoy sex when you’re feeling used up, tried, and/or very unbeautiful all the time? How do you balance intimacy with your husband while being exhausted? How does the gospel apply?

    1. Ep. 100, AUA Spring 2018

    2. “Our Greatest Ally: God’s Grace for Marital Intimacy”

  2. What are some practical ways you intentionally show love to your husbands in everyday life?

    1. Ep. 05, Marriage & Motherhood

    2. Ep. 35, Putting Your Marriage First: Give Him More Than the Leftovers

    3. Ep. 68, How Can Mom Support Dad Spiritually?: An Interview with Jerrad Lopes

    4. Ep. 77, Ask Us Anything: Fall 2017 Edition

    5. “Tell Your Husband You Love Him”

    6. “Practical Ways to Love Your Husband Who Works Long Hours”

    7. “Cultivating a Healthy Marriage as New Parents”

    8. “Pray Before You Speak”

    9. “When Littles Make You Want to Check Out in Marriage”

  3. What do you do for date nights? How do you prioritize your marriage?

    1. Ep. 05, Marriage & Motherhood

    2. Ep. 35, Putting Your Marriage First: Giving Him More Than Your Leftovers

    3. Ep. 77, Ask Us Anything: Fall 2017 Edition

    4. Ep. 100, Ask Us Anything: Spring 2018 Edition

    5. “Cultivating a Healthy Marriage as New Parents”

    6. “Our Greatest Ally: God’s Grace for Marital Intimacy”

  4. How do you encourage your husband to lead your family?

    1. Ep. 05, Marriage & Motherhood

    2. Ep. 68, How Can Mom Support Dad Spiritually?: An Interview with Jerrad Lopes

Family Dynamics

  1. How do you meet the needs of your children, husband, and others, while still finding time for yourself—especially in your kiddos’ early years?

    1. Ep. 86,  Self-Care in the Busyness of Motherhood

    2. “Cultivating a Healthy Marriage as New Parents”

    3. “When Littles Make You Want to Check Out in Marriage”

  2. What advice do you have when adjusting to new additions to the family? Planning family size?

    1. Ep. 59: Answering the Question, “How Many Children Should We Have?”

    2. Ep. 60, Adding Another Little: How Mom Can Greet the Transition with Hope

  3. Any practical advice for loving your husband in the chaos of the little years?

    1. “Tell Your Husband You Love Him”

    2. “Practical Ways to Love Your Husband Who Works Long Hours”

    3. “Cultivating a Healthy Marriage as New Parents”

    4. “Pray Before You Speak”

    5. “When Littles Make You Want to Check Out in Marriage”

    6. “Our Greatest Ally: God’s Grace for Marital Intimacy”

  4. How do you advocate for your child(ren) with special needs and be Christ-like in your words and actions?

    1. “I Am Who I Am”

    2. “Special: How the Gospel Shapes the Unique Journey of Special Needs Parenting”

    3. “When We’re Offended: The Cost of Being a Peacemaker”

  5. How do you handle things like independent play time?

    1. Ep. 77, Ask Us Anything: Fall 2017 Edition

  6. How do you cultivate such a good relationship with all of your sisters-in-law? Other family members?

    1. Ep. 74: Grandparents & the Gospel: Why Do They Get Under Your Skin?

    2. Ep. 75: Grandparents & the Gospel: Approach Them With Grace

    3. Ep. 100, Ask Us Anything: Spring 2018 Edition


  1. What does your church rhythm/Sabbath look like for your family in the season of young children?

    1. Ep. 54, Ask Us Anything Spring 2017 (Emily covers naps and church in this episode!)

    2. Ep. 100, Ask Us Anything: Spring 2018 Edition

    3. “Momma, Jesus Invites You to Come and Rest”

  2. What are some of your besetting sins, how do they flesh out in your daily life, and how do you practically battle them?

    1. One of them is anger, and we talked about it in depth on two shows:

      1. Ep. 49, When Momma Gets Mad, Part 1

      2. Ep. 50, When Momma Gets Mad, Part 2

  3. What does it look like for you to fight your temptations with truth of the gospel?

    1. Ep. 87, What it Means to Preach the Gospel to Yourself

    2. “What Does it Mean to Remember the Gospel?”

    3. “What Does it Mean to Remember My Identity in Christ?”

  4. How do you ask an older mom/woman to mentor you in a way that isn’t burdensome to them?

    1. Ep. 97, Locking Arms with the Moms Ahead of Us

    2. “How to Find a Mentor in Motherhood”

  5. How do you include biblical truths in everyday life with a toddler?

    1. Ep. 29, Using Life-Giving Words with our Children

    2. Ep. 44, Raising More Than Just Good Kids

    3. Ep. 51, Family Devotions in the Season of Young Children

    4. “Ten Opportunities to Talk to Your Child About God in Everyday Life”

    5. “Carry the Message of Grace to Your Children”

    6. “Five Ways to Involve Your Young Children in Hospitality”

    7. “Seven Opportunities to Speak Life-Giving Words to Your Children”

    8. “Passing Along Our Heritage: Teaching the Gospel in All of Life”

    9. “What Should I Teach my Children About the Bible?”

    10. “Helping Our Kids to Celebrate God’s Beautiful, Diverse Creation”

  6. How do we find peace in the right now?

    1. Ep. 37, Working Hard at Home: Emily’s Story

    2. “He’s Been Through It All”

  7. How do we make friend as adults?

    1. Risen Motherhood on By Faith

  8. How can hold each other accountable in the faith and spur one another on towards godliness while remaining unified in the gospel?

    1. Ep. 38, Friendships in Motherhood

    2. Ep. 69, Loving the Difficult Mom in Your Life

    3. Ep. 87, What It Means to “Preach the Gospel to Yourself”

    4. "Members, Not Measures: A Call to Own One Another's Joys and Sorrows"

    5. "Loving the Mom Who is Different From Me"

    6. "Bridges of Grace: Dealing with the Different Momma"

    7. "Moms, Make Peace Through Christ"

    8. "Dishes and Desk Work: All Moms Work for the Glory of God"

  9. How should we handle conflict with others?

    1. Ep. 74: Grandparents & the Gospel: Why Do They Get Under Your Skin?

    2. Ep. 75: Grandparents & the Gospel: Approach Them With Grace

    3. "Loving the Mom Who is Different From Me"

    4. "Bridges of Grace: Dealing with the Different Momma"

    5. "Moms, Make Peace Through Christ"

  10. How do you know when your child has accepted Christ? If they’re ready for baptism?

    1. Do you see fruit in their lives?

    2. For baptism, talk to your pastor/elders

  11. How do you make decisions without being paralyzed by discovering God’s will?

    1. Ep. 92, Learning, Growing, & Changing Our Minds: How the Gospel Frees Us to Do Something Different

  12. How can you study God’s word when you’re completely exhausted?

    1. Ep. 63, Jen Wilkin: Growing in God’s Word as a Mom of Little Ones

    2. Ep. 79, She Reads Truth: God’s Word Everyday, In Every Season

    3. “Six Tips for Getting in God’s Word as a Young Mom”

    4. “When Momma Loves the Bible, Her Children Notice”

    5. “Loud, Chaotic Quiet Times”

    6. “Why Your Theology Matters to Motherhood”

  13. How do spend time in prayer through the busyness of motherhood?

    1. Ep. 61, Prayer and Motherhood: An Interview with Valerie Woerner

    2. “Parent with Prayer”

  14. How do you cling to hope during/after a miscarriage or infant loss? How can you encourage your husband?

    1. Ep. 23, Hope After Miscarriage: Two Moms Share Their Stories of Loss & Healing

    2. Ep. 39, Infertility, Miscarriage, & Motherhood with Courtney Reissig

    3. “Dads Hurt Too: A Father’s Memoir of Miscarriage”

    4. “When Your Arms Are Emptier Than You Expected”

    5. “Hope for Pregnancy and Infant Loss”

  15. How can we encourage a friend through pregnancy and infant loss?

    1. “Members, Not Measures: A Call to Own One Another’s Joys and Sorrows”

  16. How to apply the gospel to depression/PPD?

    1. Ep. 52, Gospel-Hope for Postpartum Depression with Lindsey Carlson

    2. “A Gospel Prescription in Postpartum Depression”

    3. “Finding God in My Postpartum Fire”

    4. “Eternal Hope in Postpartum Depression”

    5. “Moms, We Are Not Alone”


  1. What is your advice with disciplining children? How can I speak to the heart issues behind a sinful behavior?

    1. Ep. 44, Raising More Than Just Good Kids

    2. Ep. 57, How Discipline Helps Us Communicate the Gospel

    3. "Seven Principles to Keep in Mind When You Don't Know How to Discipline"

    4. "Carry the Message of Grace to Your Children"

    5. "Seven Opportunities to Speak Life-Giving Words to Your Children"

    6. "Parent with Prayer"

    7. “Mothering a Rebellious Heart”

  2. What are your practical advice tips for responding with consistency and grace to little ones before they can fully communicate?

    1. Ep. 33, Intentional Motherhood Starts at Day One

    2. Ep. 44, Raising More Than Just Good Kids

    3. Ep. 49, When Momma Gets Mad, Part 1

    4. Ep. 50, When Momma Gets Mad, Part 2

    5. "Seven Principles to Keep in Mind When You Don't Know How to Discipline"

    6. "Seven Opportunities to Speak Life-Giving Words to Your Children"

    7. "Parent with Prayer"

  3. How do you teach your kids about serving others?


  1. What was your journey in starting R|M?

    1. Ep. 105, When Motherhood Feels Too Hard + Patreon Pledge

    2. “Join Us in the Ministry of Risen Motherhood”

Social Media/Technology

  1. How do you handle social media? How do we examine our hearts when viewing social media posts?

    1. Ep. 09, Social Media, Comparison, & Motherhood

    2. “To Mom Well is to Know Christ Well”


A God Who Serves Mothers


When Your Arms Are Emptier Than You Expected